On the Edge, The Ellis Belt Filter Press Dewatering (BFD) System may be able to get you in compliance at a lower cost than traditional wastewater treatment systems. If you are at your discharge limitation and do not have enough space for a full-scale wastewater system, the belt filter dewatering system could bring you into compliance.

belt filter press dewatering, belt filter dewatering system
  • Up to 32% Total Suspended Solids removal
  • Up to 43% Fats, Oils, and Grease removal
  • Filters Fibers without plugging
  • Solids Dewatered Before Disposal
  • Predictive Analytics


The Belt Filter Press Dewatering System utilizes a continuously rotating filter belt to separate solids from the influent ideal for sludge detwatering. The Belt Filter Press Dewatering System is effective with a wide variety of wastestreams with screen openings between 65 and 300 microns. The continuous belt screen receives influent wastewater in an enclosed tank, which is then filtered as the filter belt comes out of the water tank. The solids residue is then conveyed above the tank liquid level, to a belt cleaning section and then removed by water spray and dewatered using a screw auger. The dewatered solids or cake can discharge to a container or to a conveying system to a solids disposal container for easy disposal.

This wastewater filtering technology can also be used with wastewater treatment chemicals such as coagulants and/or flocculants to break oily emulsions found in the wastewater. Oils and Greases, Heavy Metals, Heavy Solids, and Insoluble BOD and COD concentrations can be reduced from the wastewater discharge.

Unlike a vibratory shaker screen that can blind with varying wastewater solids, the Belt Filter Dewatering System utilizes a water spraying system to keep the filter media clean and prevents blinding. This feature minimizes the time spent by a maintenance operator required to keep the technology functioning.

Performance Data

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) removal from Belt Filter Dewatering (System)

Influent (mg/L)Effluent (mg/L)% Removal
Average       2,6242,09220.0%
Minimum    1,3409600%
Maximum   4,6003,59632.0%

Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) Removal from Belt Filter Dewatering System

Sample #InfluentEffluent% ReductionPretreatmentChemical Reaction
1386 mg/L334 mg/L13.4%No TreatmentNone
2853 mg/L135 mg/L86.1%No TreatmentNone
31,420 mg/L135 mg/L90.0%No TreatmentNone
4169 mg/L109 mg/L36.0%No TreatmentNone
5391 mg/L274 mg/L29.9% Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
6522 mg/L307 mg/L42.1%Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe 
7453 mg/L333 mg/L27.0%Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
8131 mg/L90 mg/L31.0%Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
9391 mg/L161 mg/L60.0%Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
10443 mg/L275 mg/L37.9%Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
11312 mg/L122 mg/L60.9%2X Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
12293 mg/L204 mg/L30.3%2X Flocculant AdditionFeed Pipe
13453 mg/L310 mg/L31.6%Flocculant AdditionTube Flocculator
14391 mg/L360 mg/L31.0%Flocculant AdditionTube Flocculator
Avg Reduction43.3%

Look at the Oil and Grease Removal from the Wastewater – The Fats, Oils, and Greases go out the door to the land fill

Oil and Grease Concentrations found in Lint/Solids Discharged from the Belt Filter Dewatering System.

Sample #TimeOil and GreaseDescription
Day 19:00 AM33,400 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
11:00 AM38,900 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
1:30 PM46,400 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
3:30 PM12,500 mg/KgDry Lint
Day 29:00 AM400 mg/KgDry Lint
11:00 AM63,810 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
Day 39:00 AM82,200 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
11:00 AM100,000 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
2:00 PM64,700 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
Day 411:45 AM 102,000 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
Day 59:10 AM109,000 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
9:30 AM65,700 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily
1:30 PM2,810 mg/KgDry Lint
1:50 PM66,400 mg/KgSlimy, Black, Oily